FINAFLEX Gives Back With The 13th Annual “FINAFLEX FEAST”

It’s that time of year! The holidays are here and that means spending time with family, coming together, and lots of tasty holiday food. But, for some families, those traditional holiday meals are a little bit harder to come by. That’s why FINAFLEX decided to take this time of year to help some of these families in need to make their holidays a little brighter. The 13th Annual FINAFLEX Feast will be taking place this week, November 18th. 

FINAFLEX was founded in 2008 right outside of Atlanta, GA. We have remained in this area to this day, and recognize the importance of giving back to the community that has given so much to us over the years. Every year for the past 13 years, FINAFLEX organizes what we call The “FINAFLEX FEAST”, done in partnership with the Forsyth County Sheriff's Department. We source local families that need a little extra help around Thanksgiving and make sure these families have full, delicious Thanksgiving dinners. 

FINAFLEX buys all of the Thanksgiving essentials: turkeys, stuffing, corn, rolls, potatoes, etc and we pack it all up into complete meal kits for each family in our warehouse. We make it a staff-wide event, with everyone pitching in. Our staff even brings their families in for extra hands on deck, truly a team effort. The Sheriff’s Department then helps us distribute the meal boxes to each family so that they can prepare their own “feast” at home.

Every year we seek to do more and more during this community event. As FINAFLEX expands and grows, we want our service to our community to do the same. Last year, we were able to donate 100 complete meals to 100 families, and this year we plan to top that number and help even more people with their holiday gatherings.

For the past few years, we’ve also wanted to show our appreciation for the staff that serves this community year-round. After all the meals are delivered to their respective families, we host a lunch to feed the staff that helped us make this all happen. We serve the Sheriff’s Dept staff, and the victim advocates that work hard to stand up for those who need it most. It’s just a little something extra we do to give back to those who have committed their careers to do the same. 

No matter how big we grow, FINAFLEX always aims to share the love and pay it forward. We might not be the small company we were in 2008 anymore, but we still remember where we came from. This year’s FINAFLEX FEAST is on track to be our best one yet, and we’re just getting started.

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